Experience cutting edge scientific visualization.
Researchers from the Olson Molecular Graphics Laboratory at the Scripps Research Institute and from the Johnson Lab at UCSF have made freely available a number of cutting edge scientific visualization tools such as the embedded Python Molecular Viewer (ePMV) and most recently autoPack.
Project Sci-Viz provides a Python engine and API for 3ds Max that enable Max users to run ePMV and autoPack from within 3ds Max 2013. The Sci-Viz plug-in is available only for 3ds Max 2013 64-bit and requires a 64-bit version of Python 2.6.6.
HIV Test image courtesy of Kelly Michels
To support the autoPack Visualization Challenge, the latest update extends the time-bomb to May 1, 2013 (from April 1, 2013) since the contest now goes until March 18, 2013. The update also includes a couple of minor bug fixes such as node transforms and reference target notifications.
This technology preview is available until May 1, 2013 after which the plug-in will cease to function.
See how well Project Sci-Viz works for you with the download link in the upper right corner.
We share projects on Autodesk Labs when we need feedback to help us take them to the next level. Project Sci-Viz allows us to explore expanding the support in 3ds Max for applications targeted at scientific users. After you install Project Sci-Viz and use it with ePMV and autoPack, we hope that you will share your experiences with us using the feedback links on the right side of this page.
To make use of Project Sci-Viz, 3ds Max 2013 users on 64-bit systems need to use it along with some tools from the Scripps research team:
Get and install Python 2.6.6 (64-bit).
http://www.python.org/getit/releases/2.6.6/ -
Get and install a custom time-limited version of autoPack and ePMV for 3ds Max.
http://www.autopack.org/ -
Get the Sci-Viz plug-in using the Download Now button on the right side of this page.
Unzip the contents of the zip package and run the SicViz.msi installer.
For instructions on how to edit ePMV and autoPack with 3ds Max please go to: http://www.autopack.org/download/3d-studio-max-installation.