Plugin & Script/Script

iRay Manager V2

DongHwan, Kim 2011. 12. 28. 10:41

This Blog present the new iRay Manager Script at 3dsmax2012. It is a update of Artur Leao iRay Manager V1.6.


click to zoom


IBL Script GUI

iRay Manager V2 at 3dsmax2012(eng): download Update at 26-12-2011




  1. Resources
  2. Interactivity Performance 
  3. exteded progressive Options
  4. FireFly Filtering (The FireFly Filtering is a boolean that filters out higher range values that cause "fireflies", the bright white pixels usually caused by caustics that take a long time to converge.)
  5. Matte Ground 
  6. Background
  7. Clay Render 
  8. Save/Load Options 



- If you have trouble with "String Options" from a old file, and you can´t delete, is this is a Bug, and you must merge your scene in a clean scene.

- Some Option ( for example progressive Option) is for Stand alone User, and don´t work in 3dsmax+iRay.


    more Information ( Tips / Systems / News Room etc. ) about iRay Renderer find you on this new website:

    "iray hemisphere environment mode" Tutorial by Jeff Patton: